So first morning we were all up at 6am. Well I was so I showered then got the men up... We went to waffle house for breakfast and they didnt have any apple sauce for wee lad but they said they would bring over grits. I dont like grits, reminding me of that food group that looks like it was already digested by someone else (cottage cheese is in that group...), however we gave it a try. The wee mans face says it all.. Yeuch. He was still spitting out a couple of minutes later. Waitress said guess you're not a southern baby then. I know poor hubbie would have liked to have him love them but guess he's taking after me that way. (In a side note thats how myself and my mate Mo knew we were in the south on our road trip from NY to California. We were asked do you want grits with that...)
Next we drove up to Daytona Beach where my folks had come in the previous night and stayed in a motel 4 blocks from where we were all staying. We picked them up at 1030am and they were great, they pretended that it was about seeing me for about say 2 seconds before I was pushed to the side to go look at their grandson.. My friend Sandi says this is normal and she now gets attention at home by picking up her baby so people look at her before she starts talking to them or they cant hear her... :-)
So wee man was doted on, not shy at all at seeing Granny and Grandad Mac. We went down to the hotel to see if we could leave our bags there and found out we could check in early - woppee!
Wyndham Resort on Daytona Beach is amazing. Its a time share vacation place. Hubbies timeshare (thats not a timeshare I can hear him saying) lets us use our credits at any place around US and other places as well. So we used our credits for a week here and well worth it. Toddler pool with waterfalls, regular pool, lazy river, another regular pool, then a teenage pool with waterslides, plus two indoor pools and 4 jacuzzis and on site spa... Yep we roughed it for the week
So unpacked and the nice folks from
http://www.babyequipmentrentals.com/ came over and set up his crib, gave us also exersacuer, high chair, baby bath, monitors all for rent for the week and set it up. I had told hotel about them and guest services was excited as they said a lot of families stay here and having not to drag all that stuff is great.
So after wee man had a nap we of course found super Walmart. Who's surprised? Not me or anyone reading this who knows my Mammy. We did a food shop for the week and actually left there not too bagged down. Of course the fact I had emptied one large suitcase to my Mum may have helped as she couldnt take much else home. I had 5 large travel coffee mugs, tshirts for the neices and nephews and siblings, laundry list of other things asked for and Mum was carting home. We also had other items coming during the week and it nearly felt like home with amazon packages arriving nearly daily...
Sunday we chilled at home and Sunday night was a little rough with wee lad waking up a lot. The new time zone, the heat, also the fact that we didnt realize the bed came with bumper so that when he turned and rotated during night that he wouldnt bang his feet or arms on sides and wake himself up.. OOps.. Fixed that for next day and he was grand.
We were slow getting out of the gate to go to Kennedy Space Center and got there at 3. We did most of the bus tour and just behind photo of hubbie and wee man you can see launch site ready for next month. Its a fantastic center and shouts from me driving up - look its the space shuttle, its the space shuttle, do you see the space shuttle! It was brilliant afternoon and the tickets are good for 7 days so we planned to come back next day so we could catch up some more.