Diary of An Irish Woman

musings of an irish lady now living in America.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


So I have set up an appointment to go talk to folks at a vocational nursing school near home for Tuesday. I’ve realized that I need to be learning something new all the time and while the new job is great and much more stress free compared to previous ones (well apart from the dread of hitting quotas…) I need to have something else I’m learning at the same time. While seeing friends at night is great, it doesnt cover my wonder at oooh can I learn that. I’ve always been interested in nursing but afraid to go into it, first it was fear of needles, then it was everyone else in my family is a nurse bar Gra so wasnt sure if I would also tire of it. But I dont bore of learning so I’ve decided to go into it. The vocational course seems a good step. Its not a full RN course but you can do a bridge course when you’re finished. From what I undertsand the RN courses here are nutty to get into and I dont have that luxery of taking off work to do them. I figure I can try and do all the courses from the start and also it will be my first foray into american college life - even at a local one :-)


well update - turns out they only do courses part-time - which sounded great but that turned out to be part-time monday to thursday 9-4 - so I couldnt work so not an option for me. Also Things at work started to get even better with myself and D working together. Hes amazing at sales, I do great at customer service so sort out all the issues and we’re kicking arse at working together. Nice thing is that its a job. Thats an achievment for me. I always get sucked in to working 60/70 hrs a week and losing out on other pieces of my life. Finally nice to be back to working to live than living to work….

Monday, May 23, 2005

Star Wars

Well… he’s redeemed himself aul George Lucas… As Jan put it so well on Thursday when we watched it with his company (and thanks kindly to them, was a lot of fun!), Lucas could have skipped making the first two movies and gone straight to this one. I have to agree on that one.

And Jar Jar that most annoying of new characters, didn’t get to say a word although I noticed Lucas did put him in at the end, more as a nah nah nah nah kind of message to say .. well I think he works even if you don’t fans.

It was a visually exciting movie, script as normal wasn’t too heavy, we don’t watch Star Wars because we want Shakespeare type prose, that’s why we watch Battle Star Galatica….

We went again and saw it Sunday. It was still exciting but we both agreed that there were some parts that a good remote to fast forward would not have gone amiss.

But its the end of the saga. And the end of the Star Wars episodes. The first movie I saw as a child with my Dad in Fairview cinemas in Dublin and it certainly wont be the last movie I see (PG).

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


The wonderful thing about seeing friends that you haven’t for a while or even past loves, is realizing how much you’ve changed yourself. It’s a benchmark of where you where and where you are going. The weekend was a wonderful peek into a beloveds past and realizing how much they had grown from that, and how different they are now and better because of the roads they traveled. It was tinged with a small piece of sadness that the past friends couldn’t seem to be as happy for your own changes, and your own happiness, hoping beyond hope that flames are still being erected and burned for them. While friends who grow with you and embrace your joy and your changes are even more connected to you. Also the joy of new friends, and spending time with his true friends who also came to visit was beautiful. We laughed a lot this weekend, and the calm stroll on horses through the elven glades of the Smokey mountains captured the weekend, through changing landscape, we rode together, comfortable in the silence and in each other.