Diary of An Irish Woman

musings of an irish lady now living in America.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


The wonderful thing about seeing friends that you haven’t for a while or even past loves, is realizing how much you’ve changed yourself. It’s a benchmark of where you where and where you are going. The weekend was a wonderful peek into a beloveds past and realizing how much they had grown from that, and how different they are now and better because of the roads they traveled. It was tinged with a small piece of sadness that the past friends couldn’t seem to be as happy for your own changes, and your own happiness, hoping beyond hope that flames are still being erected and burned for them. While friends who grow with you and embrace your joy and your changes are even more connected to you. Also the joy of new friends, and spending time with his true friends who also came to visit was beautiful. We laughed a lot this weekend, and the calm stroll on horses through the elven glades of the Smokey mountains captured the weekend, through changing landscape, we rode together, comfortable in the silence and in each other.


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