Green Thumbs...
So on the list, cause you know there's a list, is clean up patio (right now full of free-cycle items that I need to list and email out so we can get rid of). Also is get more plants.
Now if plants in the past had a lawyer, I'd be up for manslaughter. But in fairness tis me who has kept all the plants alive in our house last two years and some have even bloomed. The tomato plant that himselfs co-worker gave us actually has grown about 20 small cherry tomatoes and if we can stop the thieving bastard squirrel who keeps stealing them we may even taste more than two... However as us gardening folks can tell you (snicker loudly here) tomato plants are productive but well no easy way to put this - they're ugly plants. So I put on list get plants for patio in my list of stuff be nice to do in the last few weeks before Hobbit comes.
Now for all of you laughing that all my lists will be going out the window when
Hobbit comes, this is I know already.. I'm not too worried about having too high expectations in first couple months, I have none and my expectations are at floor level so figure can only go up. I don't expect the Gerber baby, I expect hoping to shower every couple of days if I can and walking around pretty much like Kate Bush but not as sexy looking in a daze of sleep deprivation and wondering did I put my toothbrush in freezer with the breast milk by accident....

Anyway - first Monday off from work and I .. well I did work some, theres some outstanding stuff that would just be too mean to leave to my work partners who don't know it as well as I do but some gentle easy going emailing was all I did. Then I went to a freecyclers house and picked up a lovely bassinet, also brand new bath towel set she also gave me that was still in package, car seat mirror and sling. The towel is blue with green piping which is lovely and she was saying of Hobbit is a girl we can feel free to give away. I snickered and explained that I don't care if Hobbit is a girl or boy they use whatever coloured towel we have for them. Babies don't care and certainly I might not stick a poor wee lad in pink going outside but inside the house bring it on!
I let her
know I got very cute leg warmers in the mail other day - rainbow and himself was saying that wouldn't be fair to a boy to wear. I told him sure we stick them on the baby, stick on soundtrack of Fame (insert humming here, Fame I'm gonna live forever.... )
and video tape same baby in legwarmers for evidence in future... Thankfully this freecycler is also same sense of humor and showed me great photo of her first wee boy 2 weeks old in a duck costume from build a bear where you can see that hes going to hate this photo so much when hes older. Loving meeting folks after my own heart. I blame my parents, my Dad loved to show the photo of me peeing on a beach age 4, coat still on me (Ireland folks) pee hitting ground of the pebble beach and my knickers in my hand.. Its artistic and would be a great photo if it wasn't me...

So came home, checked email briefly, finished up sorting my cards.. Yep I like buying cards and in last year got a lot better about seeing whose birthday, anniversary etc is coming up and sending a card before the date. My Mum made me a calender and then i found a birthday one just months and everlasting that I use and my outlook reminders on computer. So lot of times I end up buying cards and forgetting I have 4 dozen already. So sorted them out by category and then of course had to find envelopes for half of them but finished and now all ready to use. Even I'm a bit impressed by the fact I did this. Is color coding my knickers coming next...
So then went to post office drove by and dropped off cards and then went to the garden center Whats funny about the garden center is that its across road from Safeway which we are behind and have never been to visit in 3 yrs living here. Also that and my husband didn't even realize there was a garden center there. Being an engineer he misses small details and plants are right up there. He doesn't really see them so he bought a lot to try and be able to see them more. When I mentioned a year ago about wanting to drop into the garden center (which is about 3 blocks big so this is not some flower shack...) he said what garden center even though he drives by it twice at least daily... I think for the Hobbit may need to put flashing neon sign on kids back so he remembers to check on the baby ;-)
So off I went to garden center with my trusty walker. And luckily for me was a 30% sale and also nice folks were very helpful and found me plants that do well in very direct sunlight as our patio is a boiler and also ones that have a better chance of survival from someone who enjoys plants but hasn't a clue how to keep alive except water weekly/when remembers. The back of the SUV was filled with plants, bag of soil, some plant food that helps to avoid watering weekly and driven home.
Then off to Effies for dinner meeting Dev and Whitney to thank them for all the help they gave me last couple of months, especially being my legs so I didn't have to go see customers and we laughed about some of the crazy customers we have. Not too many thankfully but theres been times that being a behavioral psychologist in past came in handy (like when you have to remind a customer that shouting over phone is not the adult way to speak and if they stop then we can have a nice conversation where we can assist them, insert good choice customer name here and give cookie...) Himself joined us and we had a lovely meal served by our waiter Dan who knows us so well that he was able to order for himself who met us there after starting..
Himself unloaded the plants last night after dinner and our kitchen sink and table are now overflowing with plants and of course I'm thinking that's off the list. I haven't made it to part of list yet that means well now you have to clean up patio and put them in pots etc but hopefully will do by end of week. For now enjoying bright green and flowers mini jungle on our kitchen table and realizing that nesting probably doesn't mean bring more crap into the house but sure we all have our own style... right?
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