Sean's Going Bald!

So our good friend Sean will be shaving his head this year on St Baldrick's Day to raise money for children's cancer|27297
So donate above !
You heard it right - He's shaving his head in solidarity with children who have cancer and typically lose their hair during treatment, while raising critical funds for childhood cancer research!
In the US, more children die of childhood cancer than any other disease. Please make a donation on his behalf to support childhood cancer research so that all children diagnosed with cancer will have a better chance for a cure.
To make a donation, click on "Donate Online" or "Donate by mail or phone."
I met Sean when I first moved to the Bay Area through - he also met his wonderful other half Maricar on that site. I like to think I had a little bit in getting them together by pushing him to come out to an event they had where they met after chatting online previously. History was made and they got married and Maricar is at Oakland's children's hospital and Sean is going aka Picard in raising funds for the kids.
So every little bit helps. Its tax deductible for those in US and also counts against your karma points ;-)
Then he definitely should have an R2-D2 hat! :)
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