Just Chillin

So we got a new scan done Monday. Its the week 20 one where they do a very detailed scan on all of the baby to see all organs etc are doing well. It was more week 19 and a bit scan but was fun as we got some great scans of the baby. They want us back in again 3 weeks to get a better scan of the 4 chambers of heart as every time they tried to take a good picture (and we all saw 4 chambers and heard heart no problem) Baby Hobbit decided to start jumping around. Before that baby Hobbit was lying on their back just chillin playing with their hands for a 40 minute scan.
The rate the baby is kicking this last 2 weeks we are either signing them up for Riverdance or Soccer as soon as they come into the world. We want to wait to find out sex of the baby so we wore two big stickers asking folks not to tell us (they will keep saying sex of baby if you don't !)
Of course being my pregnant forgetful self I forgot to take off sticker and went to see my new customer who hadn't met me before and doesn't know of course I'm pregnant. She said well I dont think I do know the sex of your baby and of course I looked down and big sticker on my chest saying Please Dont Tell Us the Sex of our Baby.
Everything else is grand and looking forward to a weekend away mid April just down on coast. Walking less like a penguin then before so the Physical Therapy and chiro really helping the SPD.
Have a good week folks and don't eat too much chocolate for Sunday if you're celebrating Easter.
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