
Well we didnt get the pumpkin shots that we told ourselves we would this year but he's having so much fun exploring and toddling around its been fantastic. The newest craze is telling things to shusshhh as in be quiet. The funny part is that about 1 in 10 times he actually brings his finger to his mouth. The rest of the times its pointed to his ear, cheek and head. He told the hamsters at Catherines to be quiet the other day when he knew his pal Maidson was taking her nap. He loves to hang out at Catherines with Adita his pal. They sit in their high chairs saying each others name back and forth and passing back crackers to each other. Wee man knows exactly what he wants to eat and knows a few words but thinks that cracker means all food so Mam and Dad spend most of lunch time trying to figure that out. He eats a ton though and loves nearly everything - obviously a McDonnell there at heart. He has a dirty grin as well so he looks like his Dad and Grandad Borg until that grin comes on and then well - he is my Dad. Its wonderful and also quite scary...

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