Diary of An Irish Woman

musings of an irish lady now living in America.

Monday, July 14, 2008

santa barbara fires


Heres photos from the train coming in. It looks like maybe a sunset but that red is the flames as it was only 530 in the afternoon. The fire was in the gap on the hills between Santa Barbara and where we were staying at the Dude Ranch - Ranch Oso. Thankfully wasnt too near us but seeing flames while you drive up a steep and narrow road will always make you catch your breath. Santa Barbara town was covered in smoke from the fire, while we on other side had clear skies. Also on July 4th while on Butterfly beach waiting with friends to see the fireworks and chilling on the grass, I thought snow was falling but it was ash. Ash from the fires 15 miles away covered our car. We stayed on the beach for about 4 hours. Finally we left early as wee man had about enough of beach living and needed his bed. It was the latest we had driven back over the gap and it was a scary drive, flames visable in the distance and roads closed by county police where they had evacuated folks.

Thankfully it got under control a few days after we left but made me think of a sarcastic postcard a friend had sent me via the web. It said Sorry your State seems to catch fire so much. Too true...
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