pour me some more

Murphy is the greatest town ever and not just because it has 21 wine tasting rooms pretty much all free (and we managed only 7 as they serve 5-7 tastings in each but one) but also because all on pretty much one street so you make your way nicely down.
Also we had amazing pannani sandwiches with french onion soup at a bakery. How we came upon the bakery was tasting bread while at http://www.hatcherwine.com/ hatcher wine. I loved the bread the had out for nibbling on and asked where did they get it. At the bakery accross the street replied the vine merchant and out we bounded for lunch. Even though its been pretty much pissing rain here for weeks and weeks and yes weeks it stayed dry and we sat outside basking in mild sun. Myself and hubbie also joined the Hatcher wine club, two brothers run it and for a small winery theirs wines can knock your socks off. Yes sometimes one of the brothers can be a cumudgen when serving but his bark is worse than his bite and everytime I'm there I learn something new about wine and not just how good it tastes.
We had a grand day and then that night we stayed in order pizza and oh yes - played with the Nintendo Wii we brought. Lots of fun and the wee man had me up all night up every two hours - he wasnt as happy in his tent as last time we were using it. Oh well I get to sleep when they are 18 right ;-)
So lovely weekend and wish I had again magic teleportation device as its only 2 1/2 hrs away but wee man wasnt happy for about an hour of that on way home. So I sang O MacDonald had a farm and wheels on bus, again and again and again. The iPhone also came to rescue of my vocal cords but he got upset again at being trapped in car seat (which has got better but not for trips over an hour). So after stopping a few times drove on as he was just needing a nap and wasnt falling asleep (my kid didnt get that memo on car seats putting you asleep). Literally around the corner from the house - he fell asleep. Must have got the memo late...
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