Hello Mrs President

Friends of hubbies had given us this little suit for a boy outfit when he was born and we decided to see what it was like on. The jacket was a bit overkill but the trousers, red dickie bow and shirt were very cute and sure every kid needs some photos in outfits we can make fun of later in life. (At least his, isn't him taking a pee on a stone beach age 4 with knickers in hand and jacket still on which someones Dad kept showing all your friends and new boyfriends... but that's another story)
So huge crowd there and we ran into a few other San Jose folks. It was fantastic and she's such an inspirational speaker. (I loved her comment on could be lucky enough to be Irish or married to one.. ;-) Also she talked about this economy and how Irish folks have hardship wired in their DNA and would come out of it the better all around. President Mary McAleese was first raised to office in 1997 for a 7 year term and won again without contest in 2004. We're proud that we have now had two women presidents back to back in Ireland. (President is not the same as role here in states - that is covered by a Taoiseach who would be called a prime minister in UK). The president is the head of state in Ireland as we are a republic.
So large crowd and the President had already passed us by in the 4 deep throng of folks waiting to shake her hand, when she saw Gandalf and came back to meet us and shake his hand and mine. I was so touched that she did that and wee man of course didn't know that he had met the Irish President but he beamed at her anyway and she spoke to us for a couple of minutes.
We walked to the beach, where we had parked the car and made our way home, all grinning at a wonderful night we're sure to remember for years to come.
hi sinead!
merry christmas!
Way cool!
What a cute little charmer!
WOW! That's awesome!
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