packing for everest
So nobody could ever accuse me of packing light. I normally bring everything and then some. My clothes for going away is pile of maybes, pile of maybe maybes and pile of maybe maybe or sure what the hell.
Well - now we're all kinda packed for 2 weeks in Ireland for myself, himself and the wee one. Its actually quite good as I don't really care what I am bringing for myself, more about getting everything and all the stuff we're bringing home for our secret Santa, the kids, pressies and all the stuff we think we will need over 2 weeks. And luckily for us my Mum has the car seat, crib, bought diapers etc so we're covered. So 4 check in bags and 2 carry on - with 2 of check in large and 2 smaller.
Our plane bag has two-three change of clothes for baby and me as although he hasn't spat up like that in a while, also never brought him on a plane... Bought a yoga strap to help me carry the boppy, have him in a moby wrap on me, himself wearing ergo carrier and that should hopefully do us for plane. I haven't a clue about jet lag on baby. Will he sleep normally soon? Hope so or could be a LONG LONG ass trip if we are awake every night...
So might be a week or so till I blog again. Looking forward to showing himself the Ireland parts he didn't get to see last time like the Tara and Ardaigh Chalice in museum..

Have a good week folks
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