12 weeks

Fionn just picked up on the huge visuals on the large TV and was protesting to his Dad when he couldn't see them.. 12 weeks an already a TV addict.. They are some nice visuals though in game, and best commentary from Daddy - that's me in wolf form, look now I warped to somewhere else, and that's a big spider monster and that's a fish.. Don't worry folks he doesn't have a remote control and most of time for feeding he chills with me in other room with my hard to see small TV.. Good excuse not to get a big one for our room.
Sat him in front of the pooh bears again. He really likes the pooh book as the pictures are quite big. He's quite big himself now - did a big stretch of growing last week. I find out how much he weighs now tomorrow - my guess is 14 half pounds which is big for 12 weeks. Best thing is how interested he is in world - looking around - starting to bring things to his mouth to explore them.
He was quite a narky poos Friday and Saturday with a thrush infection. He hates the meds but is a lot calmer about it afterwards. Poor lads mouth and bum were sore with it but at moment we have it on the run. Last time he got this was growth spurt week, don't know if related but will see next time.
Busy week last week - we went to first birthday party for Bear on Saturday, Sunday took a bath and went to park, Pilate's first time Monday, Tuesday Ciara and her baby Sarah came over and Tanya and her baby Fionnog for the day, Wednesday we went to San Francisco at 7 am and then stopped by Therese a friend from Irish Network who gave me some great baby gear. Thursday off to Ciaras with Tanya to have lunch there ( Ciaras on a cooking kick and cooked lunch for us Tuesday as well!), Friday we chilled but then went to Zazzle for their lunch2.0 meeting (or afterwards by time we got there). Fionn cried half time there and all time back poor wee thing. We went for a walk Saturday morning to pick up breakfast for me and himself. And then chilled at home as he was just having off day. Sunday then went to Prince of Peace church where they welcomed us as members and off to Effies for lunch before relaxing at home. Whewww - imagine when he actually gets enrolled in things like the gym!
This week its Pilates again today - bring back library books, tomorrow breast feeding group. Wednesday new Mummies group, then chiro appointment in afternoon where wonderful friend Susan is coming with me so she can hold Fionn while I get adjusted, then that night my hair done, then Thursday a chill day at home waiting for UPS man and PostMan with all stuff folks have asked me to bring home to Ireland. Its a sign of the times that it used to be Levi jeans and clinque beauty stuff and now its memory cards for cameras and video games.. Then Friday physical therapy while Daddy takes care of munchkin for that 8am visit and then Friday lunchtime meeting new Mummy for lunch... Saturday pack and Sunday fly to Ireland for 10 hrs on plane..
could do with rest now...
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