
If you aren't watching Hero's the new series go rush now and get it on your TiVo. Plays NBC and Sci Fi as well.
You can actually catch all the episodes to date online as well Heros
Premise of the show is that evolution has created some advanced talents in ordinary people and them finding about their superhero powers and also relationship to each other while of course trying to save the world is half the battle. Most shows of this genre don't appeal to non sci fi fans where this one does a nice job of doing both. Also every episode is a good one - showing you some new surprise. (where as although Battlestar Galatica may be beautifully written and is one of my fav shows ever, doesn't always have great episodes every time). Hiro the Japanese character who can time travel and freeze time has to be my fav character. The not so hidden geek in the show
Watching the show spurred conversations to what your superhero power would be, I thought of mine in a flash - super reader... Like a super librarian.. Reading at speed of light etc. Not the most powerful but for those who know me, fits me like a non-OJ glove..
So what's your superpower?

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